
De iOS en Android App voor persoonlijke ontplooiing, groei en geluk / personal development, growth and happiness


The all new version is out now!

We fixed some minor bugs and the app is now working language localized based on the language settings of your smartphone. It is now also possible to type someone else, isn’t that great?!

Get the new app now or upgrade your existing version for free!

The EnneagramPro app is the only app in the Apple Appstore that exactly tells you who you are, how you are made up and what that means in day to day life.  Important for you, your family, friends, co-workers or management. The app tells you how you will react automatically on what comes your way and how to improve on that. 

 EnneagramPro is now available, click here to view the app in the Appstore!  …

Discover yourself on Android via the Google Play Store

The EnneagramPro app shows you who you are and what you are made off. 

The apps tells you what is really important to you and what to avoid. With the insights in the app personal growth is easier to achieve. Privately or in business, because your personality is always with you. It helps you to coop with daily stuff and how get the most out of your life.

Our mission

We believe that everybody is capable of living in harmony together. That every man of woman can and should be able to be the best version of themselves. And it is our conviction that the enneagrampro app helps you achieve just that.  To be teh best person you can be and help other to be that best version of themselves too.  In harmony, in appreciation of each other without losing yourself in the proces.

Education is the most powerful thing which you can use to change the world.”

– Nelson Mandela

The EnneagramPro app offers solutions and insights in your behavior and communication and thus in reaching solutions that solve short or long lasting arguments or conflicts with family, spouse or in business. 

Do you wnat or need to do things differently? Break through old patterns en get rid of those pesky selfdoubting mindsets? Than the first thing you need is consciousness of yourself and you behavior. This wil enable you tot solve issues within yourself and thus with others. The app offers solutions which help you say the right thing to any person in any situation.

The EnneagramPro app is developed by Michael Schulze, mediator, communicationstrainer en enneagram- businesscoach en CEO off verdienwatjewaardbent.nl and developer Frank Manshande for MomentousApps, also known for Kanjerketting (beads of courage) App.

Who can benefit from the enneagrampro app?

The EnneagramPro app is beneficial for coaches, trainers, mediators, teachers and other professionals that need more information on getting more and better results. This professional app offers you guidelines and practical advice on dealing with internal or external resistance and.or conflicts and selfawareness. The app can be used to type yourself, family or businesspartners and will help you get more out of life.

What EnneagramPro offers

It explains the types as known within the enneagrammodel. It also offers practical and proven interventions for conflictresolution and guidelines for streamlining communications with others. The app also provides insight in your copingstyle and selfsabotage. It is truly a wellversed model for anyone who needs or wants to achive more in a happier way.


Testing yourself will provide you with an indepth analysis of your character. In easy to understand language the app explains the best and less so traits of your character and your communicationstyle.

Test – Is mediation suitable in your situation?
Using this test you can check whether mediation will have any succes given your personal situation.

Test -Judgemenal
Most conflicts suffer from miscommunication. This is mainly due to interpretation errors made through your character and according mindset. By testing yourself you can determine the amount of judgementalness you use in you communication. It will also explain your effectiveness in conflict and debating.

Test your communicationstyle 
Using this test in the app will make it clear within minutes what your communicationstyle is. It shows you how effective you are and what your style means tot others. Being an effective debater and communicator greatly increases your chances for succes, be it personal of business.

The EnneagramPro app offers you a number of articles which can help yoy become the best person you can be.

Stop doing things that don’t work for you and discover why you keep doing what you’re doing even though you know it doesn’t work! Explore you full potential and excel in everything you do and say.

© 2025 Enneagrampro

Thema door Anders Norén